School bullying: Interventions by artists BELI, INESSA, MOYA and MR ONETEAS
28 novembre 2024
Resulting from a collaboration between the FLMM (Women Leaders World Monaco) and the AVIP (Aid for Victims of Criminal Offenses) this project consisted of bringing in an artist every Thursday in November in a school to raise awareness among young people about the topic of harassment, through ART.
These last 4 paintings initiated by BELI and inspired by the book “Little stick men” by Jacques Martel, want to highlight the questions that high school students ask themselves on this subject and the possible solutions: "what is harassment? From what moment do we feel harassed when Are we a girl? When we’re a boy? What can we do to stop this? What can we do or not do as witnesses?" A real awareness and messages, through Art.
The final result should be exhibited soon in the large central hall of Lycée Rainier III.